Kajian Kitab Risalah Al-Birrah Fi Hubb Al-Hirrah
hadith, cat, Mula Ali Al-QariAbstract
This study aims to find out the views of Mula Ali Al-Qari on the traditions about cats that are popular in the community. This research uses library research which in its development uses a textual-analytical approach. The primary source of this research is a short treatise by Mula Ali Al-Qari entitled "Al-Birrah Fii Hubb Al-Hirrah". As a hadith expert, Mula Ali Al-Qari is certainly not careless in writing hadith and Qur'anic verses. It is found that the hadith is a maudhu'at hadith and is contained in one of Al-Qari's works entitled Maudhu'at. Although it turns out that the Hadith's wording "loving cats is part of faith" is false, in his treatise, Al-Qari tries to find the status in the meaning of the false Hadith. The slander against the Prophet that he kept a cat named Moeza should not be used as a proof by cat lovers because it is a lie in the name of the Prophet. Although keeping cats is allowed in Islam, the perpetrators of the activity must fulfill several conditions in its implementation so as not to cause significant problems. The link between loving cats and faith only applies to personal. If someone does not love cats, it does not mean that the faith in his heart is defective.
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